WOC long selections (06.06.2021)
Kategorie: Závody
Mapa/oblast: Vlčí údolí
Disciplína: Long
Délka: 11.50 km
Převýšení: 860 m
Skutečná délka: 16.33 km
Čas: 94:38
Průměr: 8:14 min/km
Skutečný průměr: 5:48 min/km
Tactic was to chose smart routechoices and hold speed which I can run 90'. Eventhough I started pretty fast, but I had a clear flow, which was perfect. Until 5th control where I catched Miloš and got distracted. First mistake was K6 - small path on the top was unclear so I ended in the bend of big road and had to relocate. Also going out of K5 was stupid to go straight, should have run from left on the path directly - loosing 30". K7 - right routechoice was bit faster, anyway I ran too much right in the end, that cost me about 40". K11 - here I just followed Miloš and underestimated attacking control. We were running aroud the small hill, pretty stupid - 60" loss. K14 - followed the ride direction to attack control, but ended up too much right, stupid compass mistake 40". K15 - the very same problem, wrong direction on the egde of circle - 60" loss. K18 - wrong direction -> wrong valley and then running in slope for too long instead of relocating and running bit lower and taking the idela flatter part. In total some 4:30 mistakes. But I'm very happy with the beginning where I showed speed like Kasper and in the end I didn't finnish physicaly wasted and could continue for another 10'. Biggest problem was focusing on Miloš, probably taking a different routechoice then him would force me to stay in my flow for longer and possibly avoid stupid mistakes.
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WOC long selections (06.06.2021) WOC long selections (06.06.2021)