Night-O Contours Biřička (28.01.2017)
Kategorie: Tréninky
Mapa/oblast: Biřička
Délka: 10.50 km
Převýšení: 350 m
Skutečná délka: 11.22 km
Čas: 74:57
Průměr: 7:08 min/km
Skutečný průměr: 6:41 min/km
A late night training after a referee seminar. 15cm of snow and -10°C didn't give much time to think about my mistakes on the course so I didn't visit some of the controls and found out later on. The area is very flat and many roads, clearings and fences don't make it easier at night when you don't have them on the map.
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Night-O Contours Biřička (28.01.2017) Night-O Contours Biřička (28.01.2017)