2men relay Leg 1+4 (08.01.2017)
Kategorie: Tréninky
Mapa/oblast: Guardamar Sur
Délka: 3.00 km
Převýšení: 75 m
Skutečná délka: 7.15 km
Čas: 60:03
Průměr: 20:01 min/km
Skutečný průměr: 8:24 min/km
Lap 1 was quite ok, I only got stuck after the first control and then I was a bit too high (20 sec). In the final lap I lost my focus on the way to 3rd control and then I didn't see the flag and got confused in the flat area so it took me 1:20 to relocate.
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2men relay Leg 1+4 (08.01.2017) 2men relay Leg 1+4 (08.01.2017)