Long/short legs Guardamar Sur Sur (07.01.2017)
Kategorie: Tréninky
Mapa/oblast: Guardamar Sur
Délka: 10.50 km
Převýšení: 130 m
Skutečná délka: 11.21 km
Čas: 72:57
Průměr: 6:57 min/km
Skutečný průměr: 6:30 min/km
The toughest Alicante area in my opinion - the visibility is not very good (especially in the northern part) and sometimes it is very difficult to find the right way through the bushies close to the sea. A nice training though, still the navigation is not perfect from me, many things to work on.
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Long/short legs Guardamar Sur Sur (07.01.2017) Long/short legs Guardamar Sur Sur (07.01.2017)