Greenland AMO: Arctic Midnight Orienteering (24.06.2011)
Kategorie: Závody
Mapa/oblast: AMO2011
Pořadatel: IOG, NATLOC2011
Země: GRL
Disciplína: ultralong
Délka: 19.90 km
The holly grail of orienteering in Greenland. Mass start at 11 p.m. and one of the toughest ultra long distances I've ever run. The sun was still pretty high during the midnight (taken next midnight). But after a nice weather at the start the fog came and made the race even harder. First track came after 2,5 hours of running! One more picture of the area taken from control no 20, direction over the marsh to 19 (bottom of the ridge) and 18,17 (pretty up on the ridge). Local runners were extremely strong in the mountains and did really good job. But they missed too much and that was the only reason why I could stay in touch for most of the race. If you've been still searching for some real challenge in orienteering - go for AMO!
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Greenland AMO: Arctic Midnight Orienteering (24.06.2011) Greenland AMO: Arctic Midnight Orienteering (24.06.2011)